

  1. Install Extension
  2. Ext-Conf: ADMIN TOOLS->Settings->Configure Extension->TED3
    Load TED3 Content-Element-Wizard (true):
    The setting determines whether TED3 overwrites the content element wizard (recommended).
    The default elements are supplemented with "Text", "Image", "Fadegallery", "Gallery (Thumbnail)", 
  3. The Extension typo3db_legacy is required.
  4. Include Static Typoscript: Rootpage->Root-Template->Includes
    1.) fluid_styled_content (required)
    2.) ted3 (required)
    3.) ted3 Editable Content Elements (recommended)
         Delivers standard elements so that they can be edited in frontend

Enable TED3 in TypoScript


page = PAGE
 ted3 = 1

Make the Main-Fluid-Template editable


  variables {
    content < styles.content.get = colPos = 0
    header_content < styles.content.get = colPos = 1
  file = fileadmin/templates/index.html

{namespace ted3=DS\Ted3\ViewHelpers}

<div id="Page">

        <div id="Main" class="centered">
            <div id="Header">
                <div id="Logo">
                    <img src="/fileadmin/images/logo.jpg">
                <div id="HeaderInner">
                  <ted3:container.col colpos="1" name="Header Content">

            <div id="Content" >
                <ted3:container.col colpos="0" name="Content">


Make Default-Elements editable


lib.contentElement.partialRootPaths.30 = fileadmin/templates/
lib.contentElement.templateRootPaths.10 = fileadmin/templates/

If the Fluid HTML file exists under this path, it will be used, if not, the fallback will take effect and the element will be searched for in TED3 (EXT:ted3/Resources/Private/Templates/ContentElements), if "Editable Content-Elements" was included.
If not, the default file of fluid_styled_content is rendered. (not editable)

The content object {data} is passed via the object parameter.
In DCE-Elements: {contentObject}.

A fronteditable element must always has <ted3:element.content . .>  as root element.


{namespace ted3=DS\Ted3\ViewHelpers}
<ted3:element.content object="{data}" class="c-element c-text" name="Text"  >
    <ted3:editing.text rte="1" field="bodytext" default="Default Text ..." />

Parameters of the Content-Element ViewHelper:

settings {save:1} defines whether the element can be saved
  {t3edit:1} Button to open the TYPO3-Editview (Backendview)
  {hide:1} Button to show or hide elements
  {delete:1} Button to delete elements
  {move:1} Enable Drag&Drop movement of elements 
  {clone:1} Button to clone elements
  {copycutpaste:1} Button to copy and paste elements
  {buttonsort:1} Buttons to move elements (if Drag&Drop is not possible)
  {hidemobile:0} Button to hide elements on mobile devices
Read more further down "Behavior Mobildevices"

(a valid field of tt_content)
e.g.: "header_link"

A button for the link assistant to link the element as a whole or to set a link without RTE.
e.g.: <f:link.typolink parameter="{data.header_link}">​
 name  string
default -> cType
 Name for the element-toolbar
forceReload bool
default: 0

Makes sense for elements where JavaScript is involved. Reloading reinitializes the necessary JavaScript.


Parameters of the Text-Editing ViewHelper

rte default:0 Edit text wtih tinymce toolbar

string (required)
a valid field of tt_content

header, subtext, bodytext, ted3text1, ted3text2, ted3text3

default string default text if textarea is empty

Offer some custom settings for your element


{namespace ted3=DS\Ted3\ViewHelpers}
<ted3:element.content object="{data}" class="c-element c-text" name="Text"  >

        <ted3:settings.input type="checkbox" label="Grauer Hintergrund"  name="greybg" value="1" />
        <ted3:settings.input type="text" label="Zusätzlicher Stil"  name="addstyle" />

    <div class="c-text-greybg-{ted3settings.greybg} c-text-addstyle-{ted3settings.addstyle}">
       <ted3:editing.text rte="1" field="bodytext" default="Default Text ..." />

Call settings outside of the Element-Context:

There's a Fluid-Viewhelper "<ted3:valFromJson([json],[key])" />


Create a DCE-Element with an Image and a Text

Flexform fields cannot (yet) be made front-end editable.
Only fixed database fields such as header, bodytext, ted3text1 etc.

In the future, images can also be frontend editable...

Attention: As of TYPO3 8, at least one Flexform field must be present in DCE.


{namespace ted3=DS\Ted3\ViewHelpers}

<ted3:element.content object="{contentObject}" linkfield="header_link" class="c-element c-box" name="Box with Image and Link"  >

        <ted3:settings.input type="checkbox" label="Grey BG"  name="greybg" value="1" />

	<f:link.typolink parameter="{contentObject.header_link}" class="c-box-greybg-{ted3settings.greybg}">
		<div class="c-box-inner">
			<div class="c-box-image">

                    <!-- Baseversion -->
                    <f:media class="image-embed-item" file="{field.images.0}" />
                     <!-- Premiumversion -->
                     <ted3:editing.image  field="image"   />
			<div class="c-box-content">
				<h3 class="c-box-headline">
					<ted3:editing.text field="header" rte="0" default="Headline" />

Parameters of the Image-Editing ViewHelper (only in premiumversion)

all  parameters of the  TYPO3-ImageViewHelper  width, height, min-width, min-height, alt, etc.  

string (required)
a valid field of tt_content referenced with file_reference

image, assets, media

cropable bool (default:1) image will be cropable in frontend
initHeight string (default:"") cropable startheight
alt string (default:"") Alt-Text
mobileWidth string: 600px Only possible with a user_isMobile function (see below)

Create elements with gridelements or container

1) Editable gridelement

TypoScript as usual:

tt_content.gridelements_pi1.20.10.setup {

  # ID of gridelement
  1 < lib.gridelements.defaultGridSetup
  1 {
    cObject.file = fileadmin/templates/2Cols.html

See setting {save:0}, as the element itself does not need to be saved.
If you supplement the 2-Col-Element, for example with an editable heading <ted3:editing.text ... />, you would have to set {save:1}.


{namespace ted3=DS\Ted3\ViewHelpers}
<ted3:element.content object="{data}" class="c-element c-2cols" settings="{save:0}" name="2 Spalter">
         <ted3:settings.input type="checkbox" label="Asymmetrisch"  name="asym" value="1"/>
    <div class="floatchildren c-2col-asym-{ted3settings.asym}"> 
        <div class="c-2col-col">
            <ted3:container.col colpos="0" container='{data.uid}' name="Col 1">  
        <div class="c-2col-col">
            <ted3:container.col colpos="1" container='{data.uid}' name="Col 2">  


2) Editable containerelement

{namespace ted3=DS\Ted3\ViewHelpers}

<ted3:element.content object="{data}" class="c-element c-2cols" settings="{save:0}" name="2 Spalter Container">

    <div class="b_multicolumn b_multicolumn--twocols">
        <div class="b_multicolumn__col" >
            <ted3:container.col colpos="101" container='{data.uid}' name="Col 1">  
                <f:for each="{children_101}" as="element">
                    {f:cObject(typoscriptObjectPath: 'lib.containerElements.renderContent', data: element)}
        <div class="b_multicolumn__col" >
            <ted3:container.col colpos="102" container='{data.uid}' name="Col 2">  
                <f:for each="{children_102}" as="element">
                    {f:cObject(typoscriptObjectPath: 'lib.containerElements.renderContent', data: element)}


Parameters of the Container-Col ViewHelper

colpos required (int)  TYPO3 colPos
container int (required on gridelements), no necessary on page-templates uid of the parent element
name string Name of the content-area
bool (false)  

If set, only one content element can be created within the container.

For example,  you only want to allow one BG-element in the header area.

forceReload bool (false)  

If an element within the container is edited and saved, the entire page reloads.
Makes sense for elements where JavaScript is involved. Reloading reinitializes the necessary JavaScript.


string (null).

"admins" -> only T3-Admins can edit content 

"users:1,2"  -> only user with ID's 1 or 2 can edit content

"groups:1,2"  -> only groupmembers with id 2 can edit content


This allows you to control who can edit elements within the content container

addzone (only in premiumversion)  

Default: {elements:1,files:1,fromfiles:1,


This allows you to control which buttons are available for creating new elements.

If an element is created via a file (files, or fromfiles or via dragNdrop),
The file-extension decides which content element is used and created automatically.

There is a “fileToContentMap” in the JavaScript API, which can be extended:

Ted3.fileToContentMap.png = {field:"assets",
identifier: 'image'}

This creates an image-element when uploading or selecting a PNG file.


To extend Javascript-Settings use: fileadmin/ted3/js/ted3-user-override.js


RTE Formats

You can set your owen styles for the Tinymce toolbar. You can do this also in the following file:

Ted3.tinymce4.style_formats = [
    {title: 'MyFontStyle', block: 'p', classes: 'myFontstyle'},
    {title: 'Comment', inline: 'span', classes: 'comment'},
    {title: 'My Style', selector: '*', classes: 'myStyle'},

Further RTE-Configurations

e.g.: (Add a custom plugin and extend the toolbar)

Ted3.tinymce4.external_plugins = {
      myplugin: ''

Ted3.tinymce4.plugins = [
    'myplugin advlist autolink lists typo3link charmap visualblocks anchor nonbreaking',
    'searchreplace visualblocks code template',
    'insertdatetime table paste codesample'

Ted3.tinymce4.toolbar = [
    'myplugin | undo redo |  styleselect | formatselect | charmap | visualblocks | code | codesample | pastetext',
    'bold italic underline |  alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist  | table | typo3link unlink '

Background Images with subcontent-area

There is an editing ViewHelper for BG images. In the future, images can be created and exchanged directly.
Also with adjustable height and BG position. (Settings)
Possible fields: media, assets.

{namespace ted3=DS\Ted3\ViewHelpers}
<ted3:element.content object="{data}" settings="{save:0}" name="BG-Image"  class="c-element c-bgimage" >
        <ted3:settings.input type="checkbox" label="Content"  name="content" value="1"  />
        <ted3:settings.input type="text" label="Höhe"  name="height" size="4" default="30vw" />
        <ted3:settings.input type="text" label="Bg-Position"  name="bgstyles" default="center center"  size="24" />
    <ted3:editing.bgimage field="media" class="c-bgimage-image" bgposition="{ted3settings.bgstyles}"  >
        <div class="c-bgimage-image-inner" style="height:{ted3settings.height};" >
            <f:if condition="{ted3settings.content}">
                <div class="c-bgimage-content centered">
                        <ted3:container.col colpos="0" container='{data.uid}' name="BG-Image-Content"  >  


CSS Helper-Classes

  // Styles only apply if beuser is logged-in an editmode is active
  // Styles only apply if beuser is logged-in and editmode is not active
  // Styles only apply if beuser is logged-in

  // Styles only apply if an editable element is selected

Mobile version behavior

If you need different behavior for mobile versions, a globally valid PHP function called "user_isMobileDevice()" must first be implemented.

If the function exists, you can use it like this:

1) Content-Filter for mobile devices


[userFunc = user_isMobileDevice] = colPos = 0 and ted3_hidemobile=0

Since TYPO3 10 TypoScript-Conditions must be implemented with a ConditionProvider ...
Read more here: ConditionProvider


[ismobile] = colPos = 0 and ted3_hidemobile=0

Then you can activate the Show/Hide on mobile button:

<ted3:element.content object="{data}" settings="{hidemobile:1}" >

2) Optimized image size on mobile devices

As soon as the "user_isMobileDevice()" function exists (globally), ImageEditing-ViewHelper and BgImageEditing-ViewHelper deliver mobile-optimized images.

Default: 600px.

However, you can define your own values ​​using the “mobileWidth” and “mobileHeight” parameters.
For the BGImageEditing ViewHelper only “mobileWidth”.

Make further objects editable:

<ted3:container.record table="pages" storagePid="[UID]" name="Page-Container" >
<ted3:element.record object="{page}">

e.g: editable list of page-records (pages)

{namespace ted3=DS\Ted3\ViewHelpers}
{namespace v=FluidTYPO3\Vhs\ViewHelpers}  
<ted3:element.content object="{contentObject}" settings="{t3edit:0,save:0}" class="c-pagelist" name="Pagelist" >
         <ted3:settings.input type="text" label="Id"  name="pid" />
	<ted3:container.record table="pages" storagePid="{}" name="Pagecontainer"  >
	  < pages="{}" as="pages" showHiddenInMenu="{TSFE.beUserLogin}" >
		  <div class="c-page-container">
			<f:for each="{pages}" as="pageref" iteration="i">

				<ted3:element.record object="{pageref}" name="Page-Item"  class="c-page-element" disablefield="nav_hide"  >
					< pageUid="{pageref.uid}" >
						<div class="c-page-inner" data-cats="">
							<div class="c-page-image" >

                             <!-- Basisversion ->
                                <v:resource.record.fal table="pages" field="media" uid="{pageref.uid}" as="images">
									  <f:image src="{images.0.url}" width="300c" height="180c" />

                             <!-- Premiumversion ->
                              <ted3:editing.image  field="media"    />

							<div class="c-page-content" >
								<h3><ted3:editing.text rte="0" field="title" /></h3>
								<div class="c-page-subtext"><ted3:editing.text rte="0" field="abstract" /></div>



Hide new contentelements


options.ted3.dontHideAtNewContent = 0